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LOST IN THE MAZE - a short poem

We fight with ourselves,

we - ourselves,

both against and for,

spectator and commentator,

counselor and the conspirator,

This eternal battle,

tests our mettle,

seeking perseverance,

demanding extreme endurance,

for we don't have,

even our complete self beside us,

fighting vanity,

looking for a purpose,

losing sanity,

juggling in this circus,

we traverse the pain,

the highs and the lows,

beyond the realm of any friends or of foes,

we keep pushing the limits,

in this endless maze,

we lose our way,

we stumble, and we fall,

get harried and hassled,

hammering on a futile wall,

tired we sit down,

and contemplate-

the promises this world offers,

beyond this maze,

is it welcoming you with an open embrace,

if yes, then at what cost?

if not, then

what's wrong with staying lost?

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