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Freelance content writing projects

For an Animation Edu Film:

There may be many existing documents and documentaries showing the informative and statistical realities of the existing drastic inequalities of world. While some people are drowned in the life of abundance, indulging in unrestricted exploitation of their untethered control over unlimited resources, some doesn't even have access to resources meant for survival and sustenance. But these existing documentaries being educational in nature fails to percolate through to the masses and remains confined within the academic circles. And occasionally even if some manages to be viewed by common people, the instructive tenor of these fails to inspire the viewer/reader from undertaking any constructive step that could actually create any reasonable impact.

An animation film, using the means of exaggerated realities, and satirical approach has the power to shake the guilty conscience of the resourceful people and sensitize them about the harsh realities of people living in extreme conditions without any access to even a sustenance living, food or nutrition, and inspire and motivate them to utilize their share of resources responsibly. A visual story can communicate better thousand words, and with animation, there is a lot of possibilities to effectively communicate the message in a short span of time, inspiring others to introduce some changes in their lifestyle which in turn brings about some varied degree of tangible influence on environment.

This animation film is going to be an amalgamation of both the factual realities and exaggerated characterization. The satirical approach subtracts the instructive tenor and enables the common masses to easily connect with the ingrained message.

For a collection launch of an up and coming social media fashion brand:

Latehar district of Jharkhand - a popular weekend destination, known for its beautiful natural waterfalls, and mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets, has within it kept hidden another beautiful gem. Little is known of the diverse community of weavers, engaged in different weaving practices, scattered in different small villages all over the district. Fabrics made by them are sought after by the local tribal as well as non tribal populace, even in the neighboring states West Bengal, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh. Their popular products include Pindna and Karya sarees, Tolong, Biru Gamcha, Betra Luga, Kukhna Shawls, as well as running cotton yardages.

Like our previous successful attempts at design intervention in local unrecognized craft communities, here too we aim to mitigate their harsh socio-economic realities. As currently, both their weaving as well as farming practices are badly hit by the unfortunate pandemic, making it difficult for them to sustain.

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